07-01-2012 - 08-01-2012

ROTARY CLUB OF DAUND had conducted ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"RYLA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" for 14 to 18 yrs age group students. It was conducted on 07th and 08th January 2012 in centrally located junior college S.J.Vidytalaya in oujr DAUND city of Pune Dist.3131. Total 103 students registered from different institutes for thjis 02 days project. OUR THEME WAS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"TRANSFORMATION OF KNOWLEDGE INTO WISDOM\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".We have cxonducted 10 sessions on different subjects amd skillsets for rylerians. We have invited renowned dist. officers from R.I.3131 and from corporate world. Consdering the overalldevelopment of new generation we have arranged oujr all sessions with different colours. likr Personality development,Resual your life ,dare with care, cyber crime,campfire alongwith dinner. Seconday morning ART of living yoga meditation,for giving scope to their hidden talent and initiative group discussioons on present issues. management games,Debate , and to give extra required input Session on BODY LANGUAGE, SPEAK TO COMMUNICATION by PDG Rtn.VilaS jAGTAP. In concluding we have elected besr rylerian and certificate and kit distributed to all rylerians. The seesion followe3d by delicious lunch to all partikcipants.

Project Details

Start Date 07-01-2012
End Date 08-01-2012
Project Cost 55000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -