21-07-2021 - 21-07-2021

The aim behind this initiative is to break the silence and raise awareness about menstrual hygiene. Menstruation should no more be a taboo. On this note in a very simple way Dr. Sharma guided us a importantance of using menstrual cup for comfort and it's prolonged usefulness, comperatively higher role in keeping environment friendly. Various ways of safely dumping these cups. Dr. Sharma has given us a damn good n important information about menstrual cup. We would like to thank Dr. Megha Sharma for such a wonderful session.

Youth Activity Details

Start Date 21-07-2021
End Date 21-07-2021
Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
Partner Clubs Rotary Club Of Daund
Non Rotary Partners
Category Electronic medium- radio/theatre advertisement/ cable tv

Other Youth Activity

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