13-11-2021 - 13-11-2021

_How to earn money from YouTube by Rtr. Prem_ In this competitive world everyone is looking for a good platform to show their skills and products to the people around the globe. Social media plays very important role give such a big platform for all of us but the thing is how to use them... Considering the necessity of one of the most used media i.e. *_YouTube_* We, Rotaract Club of Daund College has conducted a PD session on "How to earn money from YouTube" on 13th Nov'2021 at our Youth Director Rtn. Rakesh Sir House by our Rotaractor Rtr. Prem Bansode who is a emerging YouTuber of our club as well as a profound choreographer. He brilliantly explained each and every concept of YouTube advantages, it's usefulness, every single Point he covered in his two hours long session. And explained how one can earn money from YouTube platform. It was really amazing to learn YouTube which would be definitely help us grow up.

Youth Activity Details

Start Date 13-11-2021
End Date 13-11-2021
Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
Partner Clubs Rotary Club Of Daund
Non Rotary Partners

Other Youth Activity

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