23-10-2021 - 23-10-2021

Warm Rotaract Greetings, In today's competative world each and everyone need to be highly updated with technology and computer knowledge. There are lots of courses regarding computer but basic knowledge of Ms office is must. To enhance our excel and PowerPoint skills we Rotaract Club of Daund College has arranged a practical session of it at Creative Computers Daund by Archana Misal Ma'am ( Head - Creative Computers Daund) as on 23rd October'2021. Archana Ma'am has conducted this session very effectively, many of our doubts got cleared, we learned some new tools and techniques of how to prepare a PowerPoint presentation and Excel sheet, workbook etc. This was indeed a great session! We are very thankful to Archana Ma'am and Creative Computers for allowing us Computer lab. Regards, Rotaract Club of Daund College RID 3131 || Zone 7 RIY 2021-2022

Youth Activity Details

Start Date 23-10-2021
End Date 23-10-2021
Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
Partner Clubs Rotary Club Of Daund
Non Rotary Partners
Category Others

Other Youth Activity

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